Florencio Jr., Florencio Sr, Leticia, Cecilia, Erlinda, Arsenia, Florencio, Susana, Magdalena, Daniel, Elmer,Heaben, Elias, Loreto, Paz
For the repose of the souls of our family’s dearly departed. For my son, that he will be able to graduate this year with flying colors, that he will be granted the grace to overcome whatever is bothering him, For my daughter, that she will be able to find a job, for my pets, that they will all have long and happy life. Please grant me the grace to support all of their needs as well as enough resources to give help to stray animals I meet along the way. Kindly grant me the grace and divine providence to be able to repay in FULL all my debts. I ask these in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, AMEN