Sydney Brown Stewart and Daniel Brown, Jr. (Neil)
TI pray my daughter will feel free from control and power from her husband.I pray that she is able to find peace, joy in life. To feel release from having to seek approval from her dad and to be set free from an enmeshed relationship from him. I also pray she will be able to forgive me from not coming to her wedding. She seeks approval from my husband her dad for her career and intelligence, but she did not seek approval for a marital partner. I pray that Dominique her husband will turn to the Lord and know what he is doing with his family is not Godly; especially empowering my daughter to stay away from her family. I pray that when I finally come face to face with him that I can feel forgiveness and pity for him. There is so much pain in this family from generational hurt. I just pray that my children can have hands laid on them and sent off as in today’s reading Acts 13:3. I pray that both Dominique, Sydney, and Neil will be able to proclaim, the Lord has done for them (Acts 13:5).