Holy Spirit Candle burning

Mrs. Lydia Cabales Villamor

She is suffering anxiety and depression with some suicidal ideations Her main ailment is that she cannot sleep and feels dizzy, and at times hit her head when frustrated when her thougths or feelings get too overwhelming. She has at time said she wants to live and will fight because she has to take care of her husband and want to be there still for family. But she feels weak and unable to break from from the shackles of her mind and all the negative feeling and thinking about her health failing. Her hands are feeling achy with arthrities and knees aree also giving up on her due to past falls and injury on her knees. I also pray for this area to be healed.
I noticed a dark image hovering around her which looks like a possession or some sort of voodoo attack.

I ask for prayer for her for the holy spirit in her to be strengthened and restored and that anything that is evil be cast away. Amen.
Thank you for your help in prayers.