Miraculous Mother Candle burning

My family, my daughters Nicole and Alexa and son Kaleb. My daughter Leeanna – that she continues to rest in peace

That Kaleb is cured of his seizures and be able to better manage his ADHD and become independent and able to care for himself.

For Alexa I pray she is healed of all the emotional pain she has that causes her to self harm and also that she gets a good permanent job to be able to provide for her two children. I pray that God sends true friends into her life to uplift and support her in a positive way and when the time is right she finds a loving, supportive spouse.
For Nicole – I pray she continues to do well and any issues with her health is no more.

For myself I pray for improved health and for the anxiety and depression to be a thing of the past.

I want our family to be united, committed to supporting each other in a loving manner.