Holy Spirit Candle burning

My parents and grandparents, great grandparents, son Thomas RIP all my miscarriages, my niece Michelle, brother Thomas, Marina Urem, Baby Ezra & Isa healing

For my family members who are very ill, and not practicing their Catholic Faith, including my two sons Paul & Jay and their families. For my friends and neighbors who are ill or living gay lifestyles and their children. For my God children, those who have moved away and those who are not practicing their Faith.For all my relatives who are elderly, ill or not practicing their Faith and for those who are. For all Crisis Pregnancy Centers, especially the Women’s Help Center and Divine Mercy House. For all post abortive mothers and fathers, for their healing and conversion. For our politicians to repent of promoting abortion, contraception and homosexual lifestyles, especially if they are Catholic. For the upcoming elections, that some prolife candidate will step forward and help our nation. For our Holy Father, that he be vindicated and respected and loved and for all Religious that are not serving as they should, to convert and repent and serve us as good Shepherds and my salvation