Slow Burning Candle burning

War torn countries and all who are grieving

Dear God,

Please be with the innocent people around the world. Too many are caught in the cross hairs of war. Please continue to bless and protect Israel. Clearly, You did on Saturday/Sunday because 99% of drones and missiles were thwarted. That could only be You protecting Your chosen land. There was on 10 year old that was seriously injured from shrapnel. Please heal this child if it is Your will.

Many people are grieving the loss of a loved one. Please, be with parents who lost a child. Please grant them peace and comfort. Thirteen years ago, 3 people were killed in the Boston Marathon Bombings. Several were injured. They were taken to 27 local hospitals. Roughly 30,000 athletes will be running this year. Please protect them and all spectators who line the roads to watch. Be with all medical personnel, military personnel, and first responders.

The needs for prayer are great. You know the intentions of people. I pray more people repent.

Thank you. Amen