St. Michael Candle burning

Dehan senaratne my son

I know father only your miracle can completely heal him father. Let his leg be stronger than ever and may he father than ever. Father God heal him spiritually too. Let him know your love and that you at angels are with him father. St. Micheal your are the strongest archangel. You defeated Satan and chased the fallen angels from heaven. Chase all evil in his life. Protect him and be with all the time. Please ask God to heal his leg so that he can play the same way as before. Mother Mary pray for my dehan that he may know God love for him. Protect him from all hidden dangers and tell your Angels to be with him mother. Ask your son to bless and heal my son’s heart and leg. Please my mother you know my heart you know why I want to him play. Mother help us and pray for us. St. Joseph pray for my son. You are father who loved your son and very patient all the time. Please my st Joseph pray for my Dehan. I ask all this in the name of your son Jesus our loard Amen.