Slow Burning Candle burning


Dear Mother Mary please continue to intercede for me and ask Jesus, if it be His will to heal me from this illness and pain. I pray that my brain fog, feeling off balance and severe tiredness will subside. Please ask God to continue to keep me, Erin, Paige, Paul, Chuck and Kathy safe from Coronavirus, flu and pneumonia. Please grant us safe and healthy travels to and from South Carolina. Please keep Winston safe and healthy while I’m away. I pray that God will heal Erin from OCD and all her sins. I pray that God will help me with my faults and sinfulness. I pray from the conversion of Erin, Paige and paul back to God. Help Paul with his sinfulness and keep him healthy. Please heal Paige’s digestive issues and help her to find a job. Please Mary help this family. I ask and pray this in the Mighty name of Jesus.